September 26, 2007

Nursing Resume & Job Search Tips

It is broadly agreed upon in the employment sector that the need for Nursing positions will grow faster than the national job average for the next few years. This is great news for all you interested in Nursing as a career.

Just like in any growing profession there is the inevitable competition for these very desirable nursing positions.

How do you get a head of the competition?

First...Know your stuff. You have to be good at your job. So learn your job well.

Second...Have confidence in yourself, be proud of what you do.

Third...You need an outstanding Resume built specifically for the Nursing Profession.

Remember you are competing for a job in a profession that is growing and you are competing in the age of the email application process. (That means there are hundreds of resumes sent in by
email for each position advertised.)

Once your training is complete and you begin your job search you are stepping out of the world
of medicine and stepping into the world Of "Marketing and Sales".

Your Resume has to have all the important Technical aspects of your training and all the applicable experience that you also have to offer and every bit of relevant education. But your Resume also has to stand out from the crowd, and it has to quickly grab the attention of the reader.

Another thing to be aware of, as a result of the volume of resumes generally received for an advertised position, Resumes are not typically read all the way through, they are quickly "scanned".

Did you know that the typical resume is looked at for only about 7 to 8 seconds! Now you see what I mean when I say you have to GRAB the ATTENTION of the READER FAST!

An Outstanding Resume is just as important to your job search as making sure that a patient's Meds are administered correctly o the patients.

Every situation has it's challenges whether you are entry level an RN, BSN, whatever your level of education and experience, there is a need to be thorough and yet maintain a quality of Interest in your resume.

Most hiring managers hire nurses based on their experience or knowledge (education if you are new) in a specific area of the nursing profession. Make this stand out when writing your resume.

While detailing your License Qualifications, grants, academic honors, fellowships, scholarships, GPA, your clinical rotations, or your nursing mentorships is an important thing to do while writing your resume, remember also that your resume format, layout, structure, phrasing, and design are just as important!

In many many cases it is a smart thing to have a professional resume prepared for you. A certified resume writer with experience in the Nursing Field can help you get a better job with higher pay much faster than if you wrote it on your own.

If you go with a professional resume here are a couple of things to look out for:

Don't go with a Resume Template. (They don't work)Go with a Professional Certified Resume Writer, experienced in Nursing,that will guarantee their product (if it is good it will be guaranteed).

Don't skimp on your Resume this is your career, it is important treat it like it is important and don't go to the $.99 Resume Service (A cheap resume isn't worth the price.)

Nursing Resume Writing


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