September 16, 2007

How to Make a Resume: The Importance of Cover Letter

You know the says “Don’t judge the book by it’s cover”, it suits the most with this article How to Make a Resume: The Importance of Cover Letter that you going to be reading here…

Every one knows that the says up there it’s 100% right in the content of human relationship thing, if anybody want to success in this relationship with others, they should have this Add on Attitude already plug-in in their way of thinking mainframe, and that is a 100% a must.

But don’t misjudging it, it’s a completely different thing if you took this and apply it on your resume for applying jobs, especially on your cover letter. The secret of a succeed cover letter is the 180o opposite of the says up there, you should think that the reviewer (employer) is a heartless human being that always judging thing on it’s cover, yes it’s totally truth, between thousands of application that need to be review and the headache that they have, they are sure a mean heartless people.

So how you deal with this, the best way to deal with it is to be different in the way you treat all of this, see cover letter isn’t just paper that you include in your application, is your foot in the door, it’s opening scene in a movie, it’s your look to your targeted boy or girlfriend, it’s all bout first impression and remember you are dealing with heartless human being, you should dress for kill, you should stand out and making noise to the crowd, you’ve got to get their attention, sure you do it in a not over do it way, cause more important than the resume it will determine whether or not your heartless human being will continues on to read your resume and finally get you on an interview isn’t that great .

This is what you do to get your cover letter to be notice:
  • This is important, always use customize cover letter for different company.
  • Use the correct business format: title, name of the person to whose attention you are sending your resume, company name and address at top left, skip a couple of spaces and then insert the date.
  • Always begin your letter using the name of the person to whom it is addresses, it gives the feel of respect to the reviewer.
  • To make it easy to read double space between paragraph would be nice.
  • Keep it simple and direct of what you want to say, long cover letter is truly disaster.
  • Rather than just a common closing to your cover letter you may want to give your reviewer a glimpse of your positive confident by stating “I will call your office next Monday to see if we can schedule an interview”, yours truly…..
So cover letter is as important as resume it self, It reflects your work habits, and the time and care you are willing to put in to it rewardable.

Good luck on your cover letter.



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