September 23, 2007

Hints on How to Make a Resume

This is some hints on how to make a resume.

What are The Rules?

There are no rules except to tell the truth. A resume is a marketing document and you should do whatever is most helpful in presenting YOU to potential employers.

One Page vs Two Pages

Right out of college, most people can manage nicely with one page. A two page resume is fine if you have the experience to justify it. Keep it tight, concise, and specific. Pretend you are paying for each word.

Looks Count

Make it pleasing to the eyes. An attractive resume is like a nicely wrapped package; people are inclined to expect something good inside. It must be perfect, perfect, perfect…spelling, grammar, everything. Definitely have someone else proofread your work.

Objective Statement or Not?

You need something up front telling the employer what you are looking for or what you can do. An entry level person should include an “objective”. The experienced job-seeker will do better with a “summary” or “qualifications” section. Whichever you choose, it must be specific to the kind of job you want.

Computer Scanning

Many resumes today are scanned into a data base. Some hints: Use only white or off-white paper. Use as much specific terminology (key words) as possible in order to “match” a job announcement. Note machines you can run, tests you can do, software programs you know. Keep it clean, free of hard to scan fonts/symbols, and at least 12 point. Avoid columns and “chunks” which are hard to scan. Do not staple.

Be Specific

Employers are most interested in specific accomplishments. Use action words such as “organized, achieved, established.” Use facts and numbers. You may want a section just for “Special Skills” to highlight computer skills, language proficiency, and/or tests you can administer. Employers also like to see leadership and teamwork demonstrated through your participation in activities and sports.


If your GPA is 3.5 or higher, put it on your resume. You may want to have a section listing relevant coursework. Don’t include high school information unless you are a teacher applying to the district from which you graduated. Note: some recent articles are advising to put your GPA on your resume in any case.


It is customary to have a list of references that you can give to a potential employer. Be sure you have asked permission, and have included the work addresses and telephone numbers. You may also list your references on your resume in a separate section at the end. Five professional or professor references (and no personal ones!) is about right. In no case put references available on request.


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